New production: “Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs”

Kidscreen, the big event of the children’s entertainment industry held from July 18th to 21st in Miami, has been the framework chosen by Zinkia to present its new production: “Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs”. This will be the company’s first original project in 15 years and will target audiences aged 6-8 through a combination of comedy and action. The property will comprise an animation series for TV and specific content for YouTube and handheld devices.

“Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs” brings a fun spin to traditional pirate stories, replacing treasure with dinosaur eggs. The protagonists, Yanco, an actor yeti with a penchant for stand-up comedy, and a young girl named Dina, who holds a deep secret, will face the evil Cuddy, a brilliant and charismatic millionaire obsessed with dinosaurs. Together, they will travel to a new corner of the world in each episode to retrieve dinosaur eggs and take them to a safe place before they hatch and become a problem for humans… or rather, the other way around.

The creative team behind “Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs” have over 20 years of expertise in the animation industry, after working in series like “Pocoyo”, “Cleo y Cuquin,” “Jelly Jamm,” “Bugsted,” “Shuriken School” and “PINY Pinypon Institute.”

Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs” seeks to bring a new look to the extensive and popular theme of dinosaurs,’ explains Victor M. Lopez, General Manager of Zinkia. ‘The dinosaur cubs born from the colourful eggs retrieved by young Dina and Yanco, a yeti who loves omelettes, will star in a series that will unfold through digital and interactive content.’

A launch backed by RTVE

 The launch of “Yanco, Dina and the Dinosaurs”” at Kidscreen is preceded by its backing by RTVE, through its 2022 tender for animation series; the Spanish public television corporation has opted to broadcast the series through its kids channel, Clan.

The tender, which sought attractive formats aimed at children aged 0 to 14, received 26 proposals, and focused on those with charismatic characters, highlighting emotions, and featuring innocent and simple humour for the youngest kids, as well as references to popular culture for the older ones. Other values that were also taken into account include critical thinking, equality, respect, healthy habits and the environment.


Nueva producción: “Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios”

Kidscreen, la gran cita de la industria del entretenimiento infantil celebrada del 18 a 21 de julio en Miami, ha sido el marco elegido por  Zinkia para presentar su nueva producción: “Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios”, el primer proyecto original en 15 años de la compañía. Dirigida a un público de entre 6 y 8 años, la historia combina comedia y acción; y contará de una serie de animación para televisión y plataformas, así como contenido específico para YouTube y móviles.

“Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios” da un giro divertido a las tradicionales historias de piratas y sustituye el tesoro por huevos de dinosaurio. Los protagonistas: Yanco, un yeti actor con especial talento para el stand up comedy, y una joven llamada Dina, que guarda un secreto inconfesable, se enfrentan al malvado Cuddy, un brillante y atractivo magnate obsesionado con los dinosaurios. Juntos recorrerán en cada episodio una parte del mundo para recuperar los huevos de dinosaurios y llevarlos a un lugar seguro, antes de que eclosionen y se conviertan en un problema para los humanos o, lo más probable, los humanos para ellos.

El equipo creativo de “Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios” aporta una trayectoria de más de 20 años en la industria de la animación y ha participado en títulos como “Pocoyó”, “Cleo y Cuquin” de la Familia Telerín, “Jelly Jamm”, “Bugsted”, “Shuriken School”, “PINY Pinypon Institute”.

“Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios” trata de aportar una mirada original al extenso y muy versionado mundo de los dinosaurios”, asegura Víctor M. Lopez, director general de Zinkia. “Las crías de dinosaurios nacidas de huevos de colores que tendrán que rescatar la joven Dina y Yanco, un yeti que adora las tortillas, protagonizarán una serie que, además, se desdoblará en contenidos digitales e interactivos”.

Un lanzamiento avalado por RTVE

El lanzamiento de “Yanco, Dina y los Dinosaurios” en Kidscreen viene precedido por el reconocimiento de RTVE en su convocatoria de series de animación 2022, pues ha sido seleccionada por la corporación de televisión pública española para su emisión en su canal infantil Clan.

La convocatoria, que busca destacar formatos atractivos dirigidos a niños y niñas de 0 a 14 años, ha elegido entre 26 propuestas, aquellas que destacan por el carisma de los personajes, el trabajo de emociones, el humor inocente y sencillo para los más pequeños y las referencias a la cultura popular para los más mayores. Junto a ello, el pensamiento crítico, la igualdad, la convivencia, los hábitos saludables o la protección medioambiental son otros valores que se han tenido en cuenta.

Pocoyó se incorpora a la oferta de contenidos de Tivify

Pocoyó sigue creciendo, ampliando y reforzando su presencia en los canales y plataformas digitales. Tivify, con más 130 canales disponibles online, ha sido una de las últimas plataformas en apostar por Pocoyó, que tendrá su propio canal de televisión, y que puede ya disfrutarse en el dial 113 de la plataforma. Con esta nueva incorporación, el servicio de streaming de Tivify continúa ampliando el catálogo de contenidos gratuitos.

El nuevo canal de Pocoyó, enfocado al público infantil, acercará a los más pequeños las aventuras de Pocoyó y sus amigos, descubriendo el mundo a lo largo de sus cuatro temporadas, además de episodios especiales y canciones, con las que aprender y divertirse.

Con la incorporación Pocoyó, Tivify refuerza su apuesta por ofrecer a sus usuarios canales creados con su propia tecnología, The Channel Store (TCS), que permite a cualquier editor de contenido poner su catálogo a disposición de los usuarios en forma de canal de televisión.

La plataforma dispone de aplicación para todas las pantallas: televisión (Android TV, Chromecast, Samsung, LG, Amazon Fire TV), móviles y tabletas (iOS, Andorid y Huawei) y ordenador (Google Chrome). El servicio está disponible en España y también ofrece la posibilidad de poder disfrutar de la plataforma cuando viajan a cualquier país del Espacio Económico Europeo o el Reino Unido.

Zinkia regresa a Kidscreen Summit y a otros grandes eventos internacionales

Tras su paso por Licensing Expo, el gran punto de encuentro del mercado mundial de licencias, que ha vuelto a celebrarse en Las Vegas, Zinkia sigue su recorrido este año por los grandes eventos y ferias internacionales del mundo de la animación y del sector de licencias.

Zinkia estará presente así en la próxima edición de Kidscreen Summit 2022, que se celebrará del 18 al 21 de julio en el InterContinental Miami. Una nueva cita, que al igual que otros importantes eventos de la industria de la animación, también llega de forma presencial, después de dos años de pandemia y tras ser cancelada en febrero por el repunte de casos de Covid-19 en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Kidscreen es uno de los encuentros más relevantes que se celebran para la industria del entretenimiento infantil en el mercado americano, que reúne a creadores de contenidos, productores, distribuidores, medios de comunicación y profesionales de la industria de la animación.

Brand Licensing Europe (BLE)

Otro de los grandes encuentros del año será Licensing Europe (BLE), el mayor evento del sector del licensing en Europa, que celebrará su 22ª edición del 20 al 22 de septiembre de 2022 en ExCel London. Zinkia será también uno de los expositores de Licensing Europe, con un stand dentro del Pabellón de España, que organiza ICEX España- Exportación e Inversiones, en el marco de este evento. 

Iremos avanzando todas las novedades sobre la participación de Zinkia en estos grandes circuitos internacionales.


Deporte y entretenimiento con Pocoyo Talking Football

Pocoyó continúa ampliando y renovando su amplia oferta de apps con nuevas actualizaciones y aplicaciones. Pocoyo Talking Football, la app que convierte a Pocoyó en una verdadera estrella del fútbol, ya está disponible con nuevas actualizaciones en Apple Store y Google Play

Pocoyó Talking Football es un juego interactivo en el que los más pequeños vestirán a su personaje favorito con la equipación y los colores de su selección preferida (hay más de 50 equipaciones disponibles), jugar a dar toques de balón o celebrar los goles con divertidas piruetas. También podrán tocar instrumentos musicales para animar el ambiente futbolero e interactuar con Pocoyó que repetirá las voces de los niños de una forma muy divertida. 

Una app que además de entretener a los pequeños fomenta los valores del deporte, incluye importantes beneficios pedagógicos como la estimulación auditiva, la psicomotricidad, la creatividad y, por supuesto, la imaginación.

Avanzamos: ¡36 millones de suscriptores en YouTube!

Pocoyó renueva constantemente su oferta de contenidos en el entorno digital, como es el caso de YouTube, canal en el que sigue creciendo a buen ritmo este año. Hasta junio, los canales oficiales de YouTube acumulan más de 36 millones de suscriptores, un 20,8% más respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior. El número de visionados hasta mayo de 2022 alcanza los 31.718 millones (un incremento sobre las cifras de 2021 por encima del 21,4%) y las 3.928 millones de horas vistas, casi un 40% más que respecto a 2021, en los canales oficiales.

Últimos estrenos

Bombero al rescate (112 minutos) y Pato Becomes the Best Firefighter (92 min), por su parte, son dos de los últimos estrenos de Zinkia en castellano e inglés, dedicados a los bomberos y a las muchos profesionales que nos ayudan en situaciones de emergencia: policías, bomberos, médicos y guardias civiles. Dos recopilaciones especiales de Pocoyó para enseñar a los más pequeños que estos profesionales no sólo aparecen cuando hay un fuego o un accidente, sino que a menudo intervienen en muchas otras labores de rescate. También les enseña los distintos equipos de ayuda que tienen para cumplir con su misión; los bomberos, el camión de bomberos, los médicos, la ambulancia y los policías, que pueden desplazarse en moto, caballo o coche de policía.

Pocoyo Colors, the app to draw and paint

Pocoyo keeps working to renew its wide range of apps with new apps on major download platforms such as the App Store and Google Play. One of the latest novelties is the latest update of Pocoyó Colors: the app to draw and paint the character Pocoyo. This new application offers new experiences to the kids, improving the interaction and functionalities of the different proposals while guaranteeing the security and privacy of the contents.

With this new app, which is now available on Google Play and the App Store, children will be able to learn the colors and geometric shapes, and strokes of objects in a fun and educational way. An entertaining game that will allow you to give free rein to your imagination.

The Pocoyo Colors children’s app has different game modes to enjoy anywhere:

  • “Draw and color”: with templates of your favorite characters for scribbling, drawing, coloring, and writing.
  • “Musical Videos”: with different colored songs to reinforce their learning of them.
  • “Strokes”: with more than 30 tiles to learn and practice the correct scrolling and stroke directions.
  • “Create Shapes”: where children will know the names of the main geometric shapes, and their number of sides and recognize them in real-world objects.
  • In “My World” mode, you can entertain yourself by placing the available stickers in various settings with identifiable geometric shapes. They can also make it rain and snow, or make it day and night.

The benefits of starting coloring and drawing at a young age are innumerable. Children will strengthen, among other things, their ability to concentrate, develop fine motor skills, and learn to master movements. They will even learn to relax and improve their self-esteem.

Pocoyo at Licensing Expo (Las Vegas)


Zinkia were present at Licensing Expo, the major meeting point for the global licensing market, which was held again in Las Vegas from May 24th to 26th. This new appointment with the licensing industry, which has come after two years of absence due to the pandemic, has celebrated its 40th edition in person.

Pocoyo came to show all its novelties, such as the new episodes of the latest season produced, and a preview of its upcoming projects. The series has now accumulated four seasons (52 x 7`), in addition to 53 music videos and special content. It also has a short film of 25 minutes “Pocoyó and the Space Circus”, the production “Pocoyó: your first film”, and the co-production “Isla Dragón” made with the Cabildo of the island of Gran Canaria (Spain).

Víctor M. López, GM of Zinkia, and Eduardo Garagorri, commercial and business development director of the company, attended this new edition of Licensing Expo, where they had the opportunity to meet with the main players in the sector, who have shown great interest in the brand, to establish collaborations and agreements for future projects.

Currently, Zinkia has many licensees, and among these partners are master toy and first-class distributors, such as Bandai, Comansi, Hoffmann, Clementoni, and CyP, among others. Their product references on the market are grouped into more than twenty categories, including toys, publications, textiles, Back to School or baby care, etc.

Licensing Expo, with more than 37 years of experience, has once again consolidated itself as the main meeting point for the industry and starting point for the implementation of new projects.

Pocoyo breaks records in the digital environment and its licensees increase

Pocoyo has established itself, year after year, as one of the children’s brands with the largest audience and the best influence in the digital environment. A success that goes on the rise after beating their own records. After a historic growth on YouTube in 2020, with a 70% increase in views, Pocoyo again achieved excellent figures in 2021. During those 12 months, the brand’s official channels reached 6,155 million viewed hours, a 15% increase, and 34 million subscribers, an increase of 27% over the previous year. Such is Pocoyó’s success on YouTube that the channel extends to 16 languages, and has managed to snatch 7 Gold and 1 Diamond buttons .

In addition, Pocoyo’s digital activity has brought good results to Zinkia’s apps. With more than 15 million downloads in 2021, the character continues to be one of kids’ favorite contents on major platforms.

On social media platforms, Pocoyo is also a phenomenon. On Facebook, it gathers a community of more than 2.4 million followers and 56,000 followers on Instagram. With 15 million downloads in apps for both iOS and Android, the character has achieved a total of 84.7 million downloads.

As for 2022, everything indicates that the brand will continue growing in the digital environment.

Pocoyó also continues to add new licensees. With more than 350,000 toys sold in Spain, Pocoyó is back on growth supported by the new product lines developed by Bandai and its traditional partners such as Comansi, Hoffmann, Musicales Reig, and El Corte Inglés, joined by Clementoni, CyP, among others. Meanwhile, LATAM’s expansion is growing rapidly in Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Argentina, where Zinkia is achieving double-digit revenue growth supported by its local licensing agents.

In terms of video games, Zinkia has released “Pocoyo Party”, Pocoyó’s first video game for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, which has already sold more than 35,000 units in the first nine months. Designed to be enjoyed by the whole family, this video game is aimed at children between 3 and 5 years old. It includes six mini-games, and new episodes and recreates a fully controlled environment combining playful and educational activities.

Zinkia achieves the highest turnover in its history


Pocoyó remains unstoppable and reaping great successes. 2021 in particular has been a key year for Zinkia and undoubtedly one of the best years for Pocoyó. The good figures achieved at the end of the year confirm the success of the brand and its strength as one of the children’s characters with the greatest international projection and best audience success.

Zinkia thus closed 2021 as the best year in its history after doubling its revenues, to reach 9. 8 million euros. It also improved its Ebitda (4.05 million euros) by 183%, compared to the previous year.

In 2022, Zinkia embarked on an ambitious expansion plan to expand its portfolio of properties to diversify its business. The first step in this strategic line was taken at the end of last year, after signing an agreement with the Canarian animation studio KOYI Talent to acquire 100% of the company, thus adding three new brands to its content: “Bumpy: The Bear”, “Ghost Bros” and “Bugsted. ” Zinkia is also working on Yanco&Dina, a new title that will be released in June of this year and on which the company has high hopes. On the other hand, the pre-production of the fifth season of Pocoyó has already begun which brings important novelties, such as a subtle redesign of Pocoyó and his friends, the incorporation of new characters, and some surprises that will be revealed in the coming months.

Pocoyó’s global presence grows on its 20th anniversary

Pocoyó also commemorates in this exercise its 20th anniversary and it does so in full swing. Currently, Pocoyó can be watched in 150 countries, among open-air TV, cable TV, VOD, and its OTT platforms in the United States.

A global audience that has gained momentum in recent months after Zinkia closed two new broadcasting agreements. The most recent is with Disney+, which for the first time incorporates the series to its contents in several European countries. Additionally, the agreement reached with HBO for the United States, Latin America, and EMEA and the renewal of its agreement with Netflix and Rakuten TV. These are in addition to the presence that the brand already had on a total of 25 platforms among which are other giants such as Amazon.

At the same time, television stations around the world have continued to rely on the series for their children’s programming, and in 2021 channels such as Panda (Portugal), Rai Yoyo (Italy), TV Azteca (Mexico) and TVE renewed their commitment to Pocoyó by acquiring the new episodes of the latest season produced.